Items where Subject is "H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory > HB615 Entrepreneurship"

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Number of items at this level: 7.


Krisnawati, Nila (2018) The Contribution of an Entrepreneurship Course Towards Creative Thinking Skills of Higher Education Students: An Investigation of Business School in South Tangerang. In: Seminar Nasional Konferensi, Workshop dan Pengabdian MasyarakatTechnology and Social. FMI, Sumatera Selatan. ISBN 9786825329104

Krisnawati, Nila (2017) Sosialisasi Melalui Workshop Model Bisnis Kanvas Untuk Meningkatakan Potensi Kewirausahaan Bagi Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon. In: Konferensi Nasional PKM-CSR Ke-3 Tahun 2017. LPPM UPH, Surakarta, pp. 305-312. ISBN 9786025060700

Krisnawati, Nila and Alfiandri, Alfiandri (2018) Partial Least Square (PLS) Model Investigation for Determining Influencing Factors of Entrepreneurship Collaborative Learning Effectivenessin Indonesia Higher Education. The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, 2 (4). pp. 10-18. ISSN 2581-3889

Krisnawati, Nila and Alfiandri, Alfiandri (2019) Pelatihan Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan Kepada Pengelola Koperasi Usaha di Kota Tangerang. Prosiding Seri Ekonomi Konferensi Nasional PKM CSR ke-5. ISSN 2655-3570

Krisnawati, Nila and Alfiandri, Alfiandri and Eng, Kho I (2017) Developing Collaborative Learning Model Between Entrepreneurship Program and Business Incubator. In: Proceedings of 103rd The IIER International Conference. The IIER, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 26-30. ISBN 9789386291882


Lestari, Dinda and Hidayat, Nila K. (2018) The Contribution Of An Entrepreneurship Course Towards Creative Thinking Skills Of Higher Education Students: An Investigation Of Business School In South Tangerang. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Yaqin, Nurul and Simatupang, Parhimpunan (2016) The Impact of Entrepreneurship Skills on Organisational Performance: A Case Study of Property Broker Firms in Tangerang Area/Banten. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

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