Items where Subject is "T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ212 Control engineering systems. Automatic machinery (General)"

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Andreas, Andreas and Soonggalon, Erikson Ferry (2011) Developing A Quadrupedal Robot With Speech Recognition Movement Control. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Apriandi, Ari and Berchmans, Hanny J. and Hendriana, Dena (2016) Engineering Design and Simulation of Integrated Control System For Optimization of Transport System in Coal Handling Facilities With Automated Surge BIN. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

Asali, Fabrilian Handoko and Kuhlbusch, Walter and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Development And Test Of An Application Module For Tracking Tasks Wihtin Festo Control Platform. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Bintang, Bagas Sinar and Sinaga, Erikson Ferry (2017) Developing A MPPT Charge Controller For Solar Photovoltaic System With Improved Perturb And Observe Algorithm. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Boentoro, Sandy Kurniawan and Sinaga, Erikson F. and Budiarto, Eka (2016) Modeling and Developing a Human Follower Quadcopter. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Budiyanto, Irwyn Lawrence and Rusli, Leonard P. (2016) Development of Automated Paper Plate Handling Machine. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Budiyono, Tabah and Abadi, Suryo and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Perancangan Sistem Kontrol Mesin Venting Otomatis Untuk Area Sambungan Tread Berbasis Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Chrisnariyanto, Theodorus and Umniyati, Yunita and Saraswati, Triarti (2021) Designing and Constructing an Automatic Hand Washer for Elementary School Children with Adjustable Sink. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.




Fernandez, Victor and Berchmans, Hanny J. and Hendriana, Dena (2018) Dynamic Response Regulations of Extrusion Molding Machine Through Mathematical Modeling and Simulations. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.


Grafita,, Elizabeth Steffina and Rusyadi, Rusman and Hendriana, Dena (2016) Design and Analysis of Automatic Cutting System in Inline Blister Packaging Machine. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.


Hartanto, Kenny Jesse and Berchmans, Hanny J. and Hendriana, Dena (2016) Optimized Process Control for Operation, Energy, Management, and Maintenance in Boiler Plant Using SCADA. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

Hartono, Alvin Tri and Rusli, Leonard P. and Rudijanto, Rudijanto (2020) Development of Automated Pillbox With IoT Features for PT. Pharos indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Haryadi, Setyo and Hendriana, Dena and Nandar, Cuk Supriyadi Ali (2020) Monitoring of Thermostat Performance in Heavy Equipment Diesel Engine Cooling System Using an Ultrasonic Flow Meter. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.


Indarto, Reyner Raynaldi and Rusyadi, Rusman (2019) Kitchen Utensils Detector Using Deep Learning Algorithm. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Iskandar, Albert and Schwung, Andreas and Rusyadi, Rusman (2019) Smart Logistic Using Automated Storing and Retrieval System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Ismail, Ing Irving Adi Nugraha and Sinaga, Erikson F. and Budiarto, Eka (2015) Implementing Stereo Vision to Measure Target Distance in an Automated Ball Shooter. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Kahardipraja, Patrick and Ortjohann, Egon and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Refactoring And Further Development Of Real-Time Orchestration System For Smart Grid Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Kardana, Yohanes Acep Nanang and Berchmans, Hanny J. and Nandar, Cuk Supriyadi Ali (2020) Fuel Level Monitoring and Security Warning Tools Using IOT For Komatsu Excavator PC200-8M0. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

Keriahan, Richard Christophorus and Rusyadi, Rusman and Widjaja, Benny (2019) Development of Laser Cutting and Engraving CNC Machine Using LinuxCNC. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Komala, Ivan and Budiarto, Eka and Kidarsa, Lydia (2017) A Motorized Knee Exoskeleton For Muscle Support (Closed Loop System). Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Kurnia, Michael and Rusyadi, Rusman and Baskoro, Gembong (2016) Design and Experiment of a Computer Vision System of an Autonomous Robot. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.


Lauren, Rynaldi Maydrian and Widjaja, Benny and Budiarto, Eka (2017) Contact Lens Tray Positioning Control By Using Double slider Mechanism And Programmable Logic Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Lolo, Surriady and Schwung, Andreas and Rusyadi, Rusman (2019) Research on Tracking of Parcels Moving on Peristaltic Sortation Machine Via Image Processing. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Michael, Immanuel and Rusli, Leonard P. and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Dual Nozzle 3D Printer Parameter Optimization. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Mursito, Tri and Riza, Abdul Rachman and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Desian Kontrol Elektrik Berbasis Programmable Logic Controller Dan Panel Operasi Dengan Human Machine Interface Pada Mesin Curing Di Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Nastiti, Nabila Gina and Krybus, Werner and Rusyadi, Rusman (2016) Automatic Vision-Based Plant Detection and Spacing Measurement System for Beet Plants. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Natanael, Ivan and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Design And Construction Of An Automatic Stacking Mechanism For Spoon And Fork. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Pradipta, Adhika and Sofyan, Edi and Berchmans, Hanny J. (2018) Optimization Analysis of Motor and Control System in Automatic Filling Machine. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

Prajitno, Harold and Rusyadi, Rusman (2020) Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on Golf Cart Frame Using Gazebo. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Prastowo, Wisnu and Sofyan, Edi and Riza, Abdul Rachman (2017) Perancangan Otomatisasi Data Stok Kawat Pada Mesin Bead Forming Berbasis Mikrokontroler. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Putra, Mohammad Bagus Dwi and Rusyadi, Rusman and Rusli, Leonard P. (2017) Design And Construction Of Smart Locker System + Smart Card Payment System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Rustandi, Michael Henry and Manurung, Edward Boris (2010) Design, Implementation and Analysis of Adaptive PID Controller in Inverted Pendulum Balancing Mechanism. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Ruswanto, Tulus Puji and Riza, Abdul Rachman and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Perancangan Alat Pendukung Quality Assurance Re-Inspection Process Dan Simulasi Interface Barcode Scan Data Hasil Pemeriksaan Menggunakan Microcontroller Raspberry Pi 3 Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Sebastian, Edwin and Ortjohann, Egon and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Development Of PLC-Based Functions For Communication Between Real-Time Database And Smart Grid Inverter. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sinulingga, Valerian Agustinus and Sinaga, Erikson F. (2019) Implementation of Temperature Control and Monitoring System Through IoT in Home Garden Seedlings. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sirait, Kennan Jonathan and Sinaga, Erikson F. and Hanafi, Cepi Mohammad (2016) Implementing Weight Distribution System to Improve an Existing Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS). Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Solarman, Sherwin and Sinaga, Erikson F. and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Designing and Constructing a Smart Home Model and Monitoring System Using Arduino Microcontroller and Android Based Smart Phone. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sugiyarto, Sugiyarto and Sofyan, Edi and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Perancangan Kontrol Tekanan Angin Pada Proses Stitcher Building Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Suryajaya, Shannon and Schwung, Andreas and Rusyadi, Rusman (2019) Modelling the Environment of a Mobile Robot Using a Time Series Convolutional Neural Network. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sutedjo, Giovanni Aditya and Arko, Arko (2010) Design and Construction of a Control System For a Wastewater Treatment Model. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sutiawan, Sutiawan and Hendriana, Dena and Berchmans, Hanny J. (2020) Design and Analysis of Warning System for Aircraft Wingtip Proximity to Hangar Column Using Ultrasonic Sensor. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

Sutrisno, Rich and Rusyadi, Rusman and Budiarto, Eka (2020) Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance for Quadcopter. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Suwargo, Bayu and Tertiana, Invanos and Awibowo, Setijo (2016) Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Design, Development & Prototyping for Material Handling Equipment With System Engineering Approach. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Tan, Kevin and Loebis, Dedy and Baskoro, Gembong (2016) Design and Experimental Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

Tandiono, Tan Giovanni and Widjaja, Benny (2019) Thermoforming Heater Proportional Control. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Tedjosantoso, Christopher and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Developing And Controlling A Cutting Sticker With Programmable Logic Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Thelma, Calvin and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Spherical Wheel – Control And Electrical. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.


Uetama, Tri Randi and Setiawan, Widi and Sofyan, Edi (2020) Real Time Image Processing Face Recognition for Security System. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.


Widjanarko, Dimas Anindito and Budiarto, Eka and Kidarsa, Lydia (2018) Knee Exoskeleton With Control System And Pneumatic Air Muscle Actuation. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Wiharja, Galvin Lemuel and Rusli, Leonard P. and Trihatmo, Sardjono (2016) Design and Development of an Automatic Beverage Mixing Machine. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Wijaya, Brian and Schwung, Andreas (2017) Microcontroller Design For An Omnidirectional Mobile Robot (Programming For Simultaneous Localization, Mapping, And Exploration). Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

This list was generated on Thu Jan 23 23:41:50 2025 WIB.