Items where Division is "Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology > Department of Mechatronics Engineering" and Year is 2017

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Aditya, Evan and Abadi, Suryo and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Digital Image Creation of Contour Mapping Data with Ultrasonic Sensor. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Aditya, Muhammad Wifa and Riza, Abdul Rachman and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Perancangan Kunci Otomatis Pintu Daybin Di Mesin Automatic Weighing Chemical Dengan Sistem Barcode Scanner Berbasis Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Agustino, Darwin and Rusli, Leonard P. and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Design And Construct A Compact Contact Lens Gripper For Arm Robot In Filling Contact Lens Process. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Agustiono, Bayusandhi and Abadi, Suryo and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Perancangan Sistem Pengecekan Otomatis Panjang Green Stick Automobile (AM) Tube Pada Conveyor Booking Extruder Dengan Sensor Photoelectric Berbasis Microcontroller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Andrianto, Stanley and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Regenerative Braking Prototype: The Utilization Of Three Phase Brushless DC Motor. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Anggara, Joko and Loebis, Dedy and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Maintain AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) Speed and Load Based On Arduino with Load Cell Sensor. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Ariesta, Kevin and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Implementation Of Lane Tracking System With Vision On Autonomous Racing Car Using Robot Operating System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Ariyanto, Budi and Abadi, Suryo and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Pengembangan Otomasi Kontrol Tepi Gulungan Liner Untuk Menjaga Kualitas Produk Squeege Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Asali, Fabrilian Handoko and Kuhlbusch, Walter and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Development And Test Of An Application Module For Tracking Tasks Wihtin Festo Control Platform. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Bintang, Bagas Sinar and Sinaga, Erikson Ferry (2017) Developing A MPPT Charge Controller For Solar Photovoltaic System With Improved Perturb And Observe Algorithm. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Budiman, Sesarius Egi and Rusli, Leonard P. and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Automated Nata Cutting Machine. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Budiyono, Tabah and Abadi, Suryo and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Perancangan Sistem Kontrol Mesin Venting Otomatis Untuk Area Sambungan Tread Berbasis Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Chrisanto, Alfonsus Giovanni and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Optimizing Delta Arm Robot By Implementing Robot Operating System – Industrial (ROS-I) And Vision-System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Clements, Alexander and Hendriana, Dena and Arko, Arko (2017) Design And Optimize Three Blade Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine For Wind Electrical Power Generation In Low Wind Speed Area. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Dhanugraha, Muhammad Dana and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Designing A Turtlebot Using An Existing Automated Guided Vehicle With Robotic Operating System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Fatoni, Arif and Abadi, Suryo and Riza, Abdul Rachman (2017) Perancangan Sistem Pendingin Suhu Udara Pada Panel Kontrol Mesin Menggunakan Mikrokontroller Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Ganie, Muhammad Kemal and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Developing 3-Bladed Helical Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Blade For Low Speed Wind. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Gosal, Jason Fernandez Tatuil and Rusyadi, Rusman and Sinaga, Erikson F. (2017) Implementation Camera Vision For Object Tracking In Quadruped Robot. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Gowtawa, Marvin Owen and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Safety Design Implementation On Flexible Manufacturing System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Gufron, Muhamad and Riza, Abdul Rachman and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Perancangan Kontrol Untuk Mendeteksi Jarak Compound Di Dalam Cooling Rack Berbasis Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Gunawan, Yohanes William and Widjaja, Benny (2017) AGV Outdoor Navigation Using Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Hanif, Muhammad and Krybus, Werner and Arko, Arko (2017) Evaluation Of Different Sensor Systems For Thickness Measurement. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Hartanto, Reynaldo and Sinaga, Erikson F. and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Implementation of Tracking and Allert System in The Human Following Luggage Robot. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Haryanto, Haryanto and Riza, Abdul Rachman and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Otomasi Sistem Kontrol Tekanan Udara Dengan Sensor Jarak Pada Brake Let Off Di Mesin Bias Cutting. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Hawari, Abdullah and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Design of Electric Actuator to Replace Pneumatic Tipping Valve in Cement Industry. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

Hogantara, Raymond Hartono and Ortjohann, Egon and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Hardware Design And Development Of GPS-Based Time Synchronisation Device. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Jaya, Kevin Chandra and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Designing And Constructing Spherical Wheel: Mechanical And Displacement Sensor. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Jordan, Paskal and Rusli, Leonard P. and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Development Of Automated Quality Control Equipment To Detect Paper Cup Leakage Defect. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Judijanto, Matthew and Rusyadi, Rusman and Budiarto, Eka (2017) Development Of Navigation On Ros Based Humanoid Robot. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Juditra, Nicholas and Rusyadi, Rusman and Rusli, Leonard P. (2017) Measuring a Diameter for Transparent PET Plastic. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Juniarsa, Fiansen and Rusli, Leonard P. and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Development Of Automatic Detergent Injector On Laundry Machine Simulation. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Kahardipraja, Patrick and Ortjohann, Egon and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Refactoring And Further Development Of Real-Time Orchestration System For Smart Grid Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Khamna, Rulianto and Hendriana, Dena and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Monitoring Performa Motor Listrik Dengan Sensor Panas, Arus Listrik Dan Getaran Implementasi Proteksi Secara Otomatis. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Komala, Ivan and Budiarto, Eka and Kidarsa, Lydia (2017) A Motorized Knee Exoskeleton For Muscle Support (Closed Loop System). Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Kurniawan, Hery Agung and Loebis, Dedy and Riza, Abdul Rachman (2017) Designing and Constructing Automatic Transfer Part Model with Arduino Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Lauren, Rynaldi Maydrian and Widjaja, Benny and Budiarto, Eka (2017) Contact Lens Tray Positioning Control By Using Double slider Mechanism And Programmable Logic Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Mahardika, Ellya and Sofyan, Edi and Sukardi, Win (2017) Design and Build of Automatic Shutdown for Boring Machine. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Michael, Immanuel and Rusli, Leonard P. and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Dual Nozzle 3D Printer Parameter Optimization. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Moe, Maung Kyaw Soe and Berchmans, Hanny J. and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Design and Simulation Automatic Room Temperature and Lighting Control by Using Fuzzy Control. Masters thesis, Swiss German University.

Mulya, Patrick Wangsa and Hendriana, Dena and Sinaga, Erikson F. (2017) Helical Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Design For Low Wind Speed. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Mulyadi, Mulyadi and Abadi, Suryo and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Perancangan Alat Auto Reject Untuk Hasil Penimbangan Weight Scale. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Mulyono, Dwi Wawan and Abadi, Suryo and Riza, Abdul Rachman (2017) Perancangan Sistem Kontrol Pressure Hidrolik Alat Penarik Screw Extruder 200 MM Berbasis Programmable Logic Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Mulyono, Mulyono and Hendriana, Dena and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Perancangan Pengaturan Lebar Ribbon Secara Otomatis Pada Proses Winding Tread Berbasis Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Mursito, Tri and Riza, Abdul Rachman and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Desian Kontrol Elektrik Berbasis Programmable Logic Controller Dan Panel Operasi Dengan Human Machine Interface Pada Mesin Curing Di Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Natanael, Ivan and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Design And Construction Of An Automatic Stacking Mechanism For Spoon And Fork. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Noviawan, Kristian Hendra and Riza, Abdul Rachman and Sukardi, Win (2017) Penerapan Sistem Kontrol Fluida Untuk Meningkatkan Efektifitas Pada Proses Pemotongan Tread. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Nugroho, Ardi and Loebis, Dedy and Baskoro, Gembong (2017) Counter Time Device Based on Arduino to Get Machine Productivity Value. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Nugroho, Sapto and Sofyan, Edi and Sukardi, Win (2017) Desain Validasi Dan Pengukuran Lebar Tread Pada Mesin Extruder Menggunakan Arduino Di Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Oszarwin, Hagen Jevon and Sinaga, Erikson Ferry (2017) Implementation Of Double-Axis Cleaning Mechanism A And visual Inspection To Improve The Performance Of Self Cleaning Photovoltaic Module Robot. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Panuntun, Mathius Wagyantoro Resi B. and Sofyan, Edi and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Mini Robotic Arm Based Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0 for Arduino Microcontrol Learning in ATMI Cikarang. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Pardede, Andrina Herawati and Widjaja, Benny and Umniyati, Yunita (2017) Design And Construction Of A Transfer System And Stacking Mechanism For Butter Knives. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Peter, Kristophorus and Krybus, Werner and Arko, Arko (2017) Development Of A Simulated Measuring Object For The Evaluation Of Different Sensors. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Pradipta, Adhika and Loebis, Dedy and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Security System With RFID to Protect Electrical Table Based Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Prastowo, Wisnu and Sofyan, Edi and Riza, Abdul Rachman (2017) Perancangan Otomatisasi Data Stok Kawat Pada Mesin Bead Forming Berbasis Mikrokontroler. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Pribadi, Martin Thomas Sadmoko Adi and Sofyan, Edi and Baskoro, Gembong (2017) Automatic Bike Parking System with RFID RC522. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Priyono, Heru (2017) Rancangan Alat Pengisian Angin Berbasis Raspbery Pi Pada Proses Pengisian Angin Ban Tes Di Laboratorium Pengujian. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Putera, Victor Nugraha and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Further Development Of An Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation System Using Robot Operating System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Putra, Mohammad Bagus Dwi and Rusyadi, Rusman and Rusli, Leonard P. (2017) Design And Construction Of Smart Locker System + Smart Card Payment System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Raditio, Florentius and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Darrieus Turbine Design For Low Speed Wind. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Richard, Richard and Hendriana, Dena and Rusli, Leonard P. (2017) Modular Solar Water Heater With Affordable Price And Efficiency. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Ritanto, Didit and Abadi, Suryo and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Design and Implementation of a Mini Tracking System for Solar Cells. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Ruslim, Ruslim and Abadi, Suryo and Loebis, Dedy (2017) Controlling Working Pressure of Pressure Relief Valve Based On Arduino Uno. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Ruswanto, Tulus Puji and Riza, Abdul Rachman and Sofyan, Edi (2017) Perancangan Alat Pendukung Quality Assurance Re-Inspection Process Dan Simulasi Interface Barcode Scan Data Hasil Pemeriksaan Menggunakan Microcontroller Raspberry Pi 3 Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sadewa, Bagas Anjar and Loebis, Dedy and Sukardi, Win (2017) Automatic Railway Crossing Bar with Waiting Time Display using Global Positioning System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Saputra, Andreas Dhanu and Rusyadi, Rusman and Budiarto, Eka (2017) Path Planning Simulation For Quadcopter Using Gazebo Simulator. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sebastian, Edwin and Ortjohann, Egon and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Development Of PLC-Based Functions For Communication Between Real-Time Database And Smart Grid Inverter. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Setiono, Daniel and Rusyadi, Rusman and Budiarto, Eka (2017) Development Of Humanoid Robot Simulation Using Gazebo Simulator. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Setiyono, Sulis and Hendriana, Dena and Sukardi, Win (2017) Rancang Bangun Otomasi Mesin Sorting Conveyor Box Permen Berbasis Pneumatik Dan Scanner Barcode Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Soetan, Surojo and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Design and Prototyping of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Using Helical Blade. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Solarman, Sherwin and Sinaga, Erikson F. and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Designing and Constructing a Smart Home Model and Monitoring System Using Arduino Microcontroller and Android Based Smart Phone. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Subyantoro, Ragil and Sofyan, Edi and Sukardi, Win (2017) Perancangan Alat Otomasi Sinkronisasi Kecepatan Konveyor Tube Extruder Dengan Kecepatan Screw Talc Feeder Di Perusahaaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sugiyarto, Sugiyarto and Sofyan, Edi and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Perancangan Kontrol Tekanan Angin Pada Proses Stitcher Building Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sujiwo, Edy and Sofyan, Edi and Riza, Abdul Rachman (2017) Perancangan Sistem Wireless Fire Alarm Dan Monitoring Berbasis Web Di Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sungkono, Michael Kevin and Rusli, Leonard P. and Hanafi, Cepi (2017) Improvement Of Hydraulic Pulsation Damper. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Supriatna, Yopi and Sofyan, Edi and Riza, Abdul Rachman (2017) Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Level Oli Pada Gear Box Mesin Curing Dengan Basis Web. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Susanto, Gabriel Hendri and Sofyan, Edi and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Articulate Robotic Arm Based Arduino with Android Control for Arduino Microcontrol Learning in ATMI Cikarang. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Susanto, Hendro and Loebis, Dedy and Baskoro, Gembong (2017) The Design and Construction of an Arduino Based CO2 Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Susanto, Yudian and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Design And Optimization Of Simple Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine For Low Wind Speed. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Sutrisno, Yulius Nanang and Loebis, Dedy and Riza, Abdul Rachman (2017) Aplication Real Time Clock (RTC) on Automatic Feeder Base Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Suwandi, Bernardus Andreas and Sinaga, Erikson F. and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Bottle Sorting Machine With Weight, Dimension System And Barcode Scan. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Syamil, Aulia and Rusyadi, Rusman (2017) Implementing Ros For Autonomous Mobile Robot Based On Lidar Navigation. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Tanadi, Adrian and Rusli, Leonard P. and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Designing Automated Sorting Machine For Escargot. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Tedjosantoso, Christopher and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Developing And Controlling A Cutting Sticker With Programmable Logic Controller. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Teguh, Petrus K. and Sofyan, Edi and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Merancang Sinkronisasi Speed Untuk Pull-Out Conveyor Mesin Tread Extruder Dengan Menggunakan Rotary Incremental Encoder. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Thelma, Calvin and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Spherical Wheel – Control And Electrical. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Tjokro, Richard Adrian and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Designing And Constructing A Machine To Remove Contact Lens From A Cast Mould. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Triyanto, Agus and Sofyan, Edi and Hendriana, Dena (2017) Perancangan Sistem Penimbangan Semi Otomatis Carbon Black Berbasis Arduino. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Utomo, Hermawan Aji and Sofyan, Edi and Abadi, Suryo (2017) Perancangan Konstruksi Dan Kontrol Otomasi Manipulator Mesin Sealing Plastik Pada Penimbangan Chemical Di Perusahaan Manufaktur. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Valdi, Rheza and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Design And Calculation For Automatic Counting Station For Cutlery. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Wahyudin, Wahyudin and Abadi, Suryo and Sukardi, Win (2017) Modifikasi Mesin Pemanas Bladder Pada Curing Process Dengan Menggunakan Temperature Control Berbasis Programmable Logic Control Zelio. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Wibowo, Albert and Widjaja, Benny (2017) Configuration And Program Execution Of FANUC M-10IA/12 Robot Arm For Contact Lens Production. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Wijaya, Brian and Schwung, Andreas (2017) Microcontroller Design For An Omnidirectional Mobile Robot (Programming For Simultaneous Localization, Mapping, And Exploration). Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Wirawardhana, Albert and Petuelli, Gerhard and Rusli, Leonard P. (2017) Intergration Of A Beckhoff TwinCAT CNC Controller To Operate An Articulated Arm Robot. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

Yudistira, Livano and Rusli, Leonard P. and Sinaga, Erikson F. (2017) Development Of Electrical Actuated Height Adjustable Coilover Suspension System. Bachelor thesis, Swiss German University.

This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 18:32:16 2024 WIB.